Reversing Polycystic Kidney Disease – The PKDproof program: A low-carb, high-nutrient approach to kidney health

Felix S Mueller

From: £10.99

A unique guide to the strategies developed by Felix Mueller, expert patient, influencer and author, over the past nine years to reverse his own polycystic kidney disease, as well as that of numerous clients and followers. The book shows the simple and easy diet and lifestyle changes that PKD patients – written off as ‘incurable’ – can make to radically prolong their time to, or even completely stave off, dialysis or transplant, and explains the scientific backgrounds of why this approach works according to emerging, as well as long-established, science. The book includes practical tips, daily routines, recipes, and a whole week meal plan as well as survival strategies for traveling and eating out without sacrificing kidney health in the process. Readers will learn that, contrary to popular belief, having PKD does not mean living in constant nutrient deficiency, but that food abundance can also lead to better health and even achieving the ultimate goal: drastically improving their kidney function and even size.

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Why some people get PKD worse than others; The molecular triggers that lead to faster disease progression; Basic mechanisms of the mutation; How we can influence the mechanisms to slow down or reverse cyst growth; How to best implement these strategies in daily life; What adjustments to make when kidney function is already low; What to check first when progress is not as expected; Commonly asked questions; Staple recipes and a one-week meal plan


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About the Author

Felix Mueller (Müller) describes himself as ‘An unlicensed biohacker, a licensed filmmaker and a polycystic kidney disease (PKD) patient’ who has immersed himself in finding ways to return his body to health since 2013. He has applied his knowledge to reducing his own kidney volume, as well as that of many others, and now ‘at a bit over 30 years old my kidney function is the highest it has been in my life’. He specialises in helping people using a cyclical ketogenic diet, activating cell clean-up (autophagy) and adjusting their lifestyle to improve their outcomes with PKD. He has built a worldwide PKD community of PKD sufferers online that is growing all the time (see

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